Minecraft Adventures (Up And Down)

 Minecraft story

Chapter 1   First Steps

I spawned in a peaceful looking oak wood jungle,

 but I know things are going to turn into hell at night, which was soon. I went to a decent looking oak tree and started to punch at it, then I turned my logs to planks, my planks to a crafting table, and with the remainder of the wood I built a small house, which rather looked like a shack than a house to me.

I went inside my house and waited for the night to come. I sat down and counted my fingers… wait a sec I don’t have any… that’s right.

I noticed my house was dark and noises came from outside, It must be night time now.

I looked out of my window which was actually just a hole in the side of my wooden shack, I watched zombies hobbled around and groan, and the Creepers and Spiders that hissed at one another, but the thing that really scared me was the fact that an Enderman stared towards my

direction, I didn’t know what he wanted from me or that he was just looking at something else.

But a bright glow got my attention, it was the sun coming up on the horizon, I watched as the zombies ran in all directions on fire! And the Creepers and Spiders go to their caves, I looked around for the Enderman, but he had already teleported away somewhere.

I went back to my tree punching, I stopped at around midday and set off north, I think. I left my shack behind and came to a birch wood forest,

 pretty cool biome if you ask me, I kept on going through the birch wood forest and came across a village, but this one was on fire!


I ran towards the village and saw these grey villagers, they weren’t villagers they were pillagers!

One of the pillagers turned around and aimed at me with his crossbow and fired, he must have not trained properly because it went straight past me and hit the wall of a half-burnt house. 

But, there was another one, this time it wasn’t a pillager it was a Vindicator. 

He swung his ax at me like a mad man but missed, and even better he hit a pillager that was trying to sneak up on me, on his big nose and sent him flying, and when he landed he was a bunch of experience bubbles, I turned back towards the vindicator and swung my fist at him, I wasn’t as strong as I thought, all it did was make him angry and blow his horn, which sounded like someone shouting through a water pipe. I grabbed his ax and swung at him, the ax shattered to pieces and the pillager turned into a bunch of experience bubbles.

Chapter 2    Town’s Hero

I heard the biggest cheer ever, almost deafening, I turned around and saw a group of villagers standing there smiling at me, one of the villagers come up to me with a bunch of emeralds, I took the emeralds and popped them into my inventory, then walk past the villagers and out of the village itself, I was still kind of confused, I only took out two bad guys and they give me twenty emeralds, well I don’t mind, to be honest, but it still confuses me.

I got back into the birchwood forest and looked back and saw that the village was under attack again! Villagers were running around with their arms in the air screaming, I quickly walked away out of sight of the village and once I came out of view of the village I slowed down. I came to an opening, there was a stench in the air that clung to you like bad breath, I must be in a swamp because there were low hanging trees and lily pads in about every stinky pond, 

I see something in the distance and squint to see what it is, it was a house, 

over a steaming pond, I could see that someone was in the house. I crept up to the house and looked through the window, there was a witch inside! She didn’t notice me, so I took my chance to sneak up on her, I picked up a sharp branch and went to the front door, I quickly threw my branch at her and she turned into a bunch of more floating experience bubbles, I looked around her house and found a bottle of some green liquid. It smelt like dry alcohol and frog vomit, not like I’ve ever smelt frog vomit and dry alcohol.

I carried on heading back where I came from, trying to get back to my house. But when I got there it was just a huge crater where my house was, somebody, blew it up, but who? 

I looked at the crater and sobbed, I looked past my house and saw something in the distance, I put down my crafting bench and got the iron I stole from the village back there and made an iron sword and ran towards the object that seemed to be gleaming in the distance, when I reached the object it was just a lame old minecart, Wait! There was a mineshaft to the left of the minecart. When I got into the cart and flipped a lever, the minecart began to roll on the tracks and move towards the dark mineshaft entrance.

Chapter 3     Mineshaft troubles

I felt wind rush through my blocky hair and the minecart shake violently on almost every small bump, but it felt good, it felt like being on a giant roller coaster, but it didn’t have any safety features, which of made it feel more awesome, But I just noticed that there was no brake and I was heading straight towards the main opening, I tried grabbing onto anything inreach, but there was nothing to hold onto, the minecart was going way to fast. Everything around me was just a blur, a spider hissed at me and shot me with it’s webs but missed, just then I got a good idea, I started to shout random mean things to the spiders like ; “You web clinging dummies and you have 8 eyes but you have bad eyesight, worse than my 80 year old grandma!”

I knew that made them angry because they started hissing loudly and shooting even more webs at me, and just as planned a web hit one of the minecart's front tires and the whole minecraft flipped. I went flying and landed on something soft, Oh no it’s one of the spiders!

 I got up and ran back where I came, the spiders kept shooting their sticky spider webs. I had to duck under a big web,, one of the webs hit me and wrapped around my ankles! I fell forward and hit my face on the ground, I gave out a soft whimper and the spiders hissed at me as they moved in.

I knew I was screwed, they hissed and bit at me, but I noticed that they weren't actually biting me, one of them gave me a 8 legged hug. I was so confused, I just insulted them, I noticed when I landed on that spider before it had something stuck in its throat and I saved it from choking to death, they all swamped me and hugged, What a twist! One of them helped me up and the rest of them carried me out of the mineshaft, I walked away slowly still looking back as the spiders waved at me, I noticed that one of them was following, I told it to go back to the cave, but it refused and kept rubbing it’s head against my leg, well I got a new pet I guess!

I walk at the spiders pace and notice that spider was trying it’s best to keep up with me, I slowed down a little and the spider lied down and completely stopped, the spider started to snore so I picked him up and carried him until I came to a big clearing, there were horses galloping around in circles, the best place to start a new house. I put down the spider and got to work on my new future.

Chapter 4      A New beginning

After spending hours on my almost complete house the spider woke up and came over to me, “Good morning” the spider nodded it’s head in agreement, “What should I call you? Jerry?” The spider shook its head, “ Spidey?” The spider nodded it’s head and jumped onto my head, it was almost sunset so I quickly finished off the house, I stepped back and looked at my amazing work. Not bad if I say so myself. I went into the house and made a bed using some of the wool I got gifted from the villagers after that weird raid, then I made a smaller bed using the rest of the wool for Spidey. Spidey went straight to sleep, I snuck outside and watched the sun slowly go down, I went inside as soon as I saw the mob that spawned, which was a zombie. I lied down and closed my eyes as I drifted into a deep sleep. I woke up to Spidey sitting on my face, “Food?”, Spidey nodded I went outside and saw a cow eating some grass, Sorry,  I ran over there and with my iron sword and slayed the poor cow, but it wasn’t how I expected it to go, there was no spray of blood or flesh tearing noises it was quiet and fast, there was a bunch of raw beef on the ground next to some leather. I picked up the beef and leather and walked back towards the house and gave one raw beef to Spidey and grabbed 8 cobblestone from my inventory and put it in the crafting table and made a furnace, and chucked in the beef and some coal, I don’t know where I got half of these objects from. There was soft crackling from the furnace, it sounded nice, until… Spidey started to chomp into his juicy beef and started to tear it apart.

To Be Continued...
